is an obstruction of the sweat glands found in the skin of the lashes or one of the small sebaceous glands found in the lashes. Hordeolum are less noticeable at first but are more noticeable when they become swollen, red, and sore when touched.
is an obstruction of the meibomian gland, a special fat that is unique to the eyelids. These glands form a single row in each cap containing the body of the gland located inside the eyelid and the opening located at the edge of the front cover of the eyelash.
You may notice Stye or Eyelid abscess according to some symptoms such as:
Most cases will be better on their own in 5 to 7 days with home remedies. Apply warm compress 4 to 6 times a day for 15 minutes at a time to help clog the drain for about a week. Take minor surgery if there is no improvement during the warm compress treatment.